Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to convert a design file into a fully functional Drupal Website?

Durpal is fast emerging and the most preferred cms platform to develop a website. It is free, flexible and the best part of it is that you would not have to waste your time to get the hang of it. It is easy to learn and like any other content management platform, it is highly sophisticated yet utterly simple and which is why its popularity is on the rise. But converting PSD to Drupal is not that easy as it requires a certain degree of specialization. You need to have clear idea how you can convert PSD to drupal without making a mess with it. In this article, we are going to share some tips that can help you transform a PSD file to Drupal without facing least hassle along the way.

Lets start from the scratch. When you have the design file, you need to open that file into PhotoShop. You should first select the Slice tool from the main toolbar and start slicing and saving images. To start with, you need to slice the logo first. Save that image into jpg format preferably. And then you can continue your tryst with Photoshop and slice other elements one by one. Once you are done with slicing, you should place all the images into a folder. This particular folder needs to be located inside the main folder, where the theme files are stored. When it is done, just save this file as index.html and save it where all the files are stored. Div tags need to be identified with their respective class names to make the coding look sensible and less complex. But make sure that you have fair level of expertise on div otherwise; you may botch up the entire thing. So, you will be better off with a professional who is having expertise in PSD to HTML conversion.

Download and install a fully functional Drupal theme before you start converting PSD to XHTML/HTML. You need to create a new folder and store all the theme files therein. The rest of the part is somewhat technically complicated and therefore, the best thing that you can do is to hire a web development company who has expertise in psd to drupal conversion. However, if you feel confident, you can go ahead and try your hand on the rest of the thing but it is always advisable to take professional assistance if you are novice in this field.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Slice your PSD file Perfectly?

Converting PSD to HTML is not that easy. Instead it is a complex process where creativity, passion and hard work all play crucial roles to ensure an impressive outcome. PSD to HTML or PSD to XHTML conversion should not be done carelessly because it could have disastrous impact on the look and feel of the PSD file. So, if you are serious about keeping your design intact no matter what, you should take some time out of your busy schedule and learn how to slice PSD file perfectly. Imperfect PSD design to HTML conversion can have detrimental impact on the entire process. Apart from playing havoc with the design, it can make your website virtually invisible to search engines. Gross errors in coding can have negative impacts on the functionality of the website as well. A malfunction website drives away visitors and play spoilsport with the brand image of an organization and therefore, you need to make sure that PSD to HTML is done perfectly.

You need to have a backup of the PSD file, before you start converting PSD to HTML. Because in case you messed up with the file while slicing it, you will have the original file to recover from this devastating consequence. There are three types of slicing options available such as Layer Based Slices, Auto Slices and User Slices and all of them have their own share of advantages and shortcomings. Majority of designers and developers are familiar with auto slices and users slices but Layer Based Slices is also gaining currency. To Convert PSD to HTML, you need to get your hand on the slice tool first and then draw a box around the area that you want to export as an image and leave other parts as it is.
You need to attain mastery over the slicing tool if you are to convert PSD to CSS/HTML. This tool comes in handy when you have to slice the images as per the requirements. It is easy to slice image. All you need to do is to create a box around a particular section and you are done with that. Once the process is complete, you need to proceed hurriedly to the next stage. Create a mock up HTML file and it should be opened with the sliced images. This can easily be done by clicking on the image ready button on the toolbar. After that, the file and all other images need to be saved into HTML format. Just click on the option File > Save Optimized As, and save the file wherever you want.

PSD to Drupal Theme: A Complete Procedure How to Convert

Drupal is considered as an incredible CMS that ensures community users and individuals to easily publish, handle, update, manage and even organize diverse content on a website. Drupal is also used as a back end system in many websites that range from large corporate sites to even personal blogs. Today PSD to drupal conversion is in high demand in the market as it helps to develop a highly dynamic, user friendly and flexible website with a legion of latest features

The process of converting the design model from PSD files into well designed and unique Drupal theme with HTML/XHTML/CSS mockup is not an easy task. Here in this article you will see the procedure of PSD to CSS/Drupal conversion and how it will help you to learn how to convert PSD format into Drupal theme by using strong HTML/XHTML/CSS mark-up languages.

Let's start with the first step of slicing the Adobe PhotoShop based PSD image file in multi layers by selecting the slice tools from the main toolbar. After slicing the PSD, move on to the Image menu and select the mode to choose right color space and then save all the sliced images.

Now insert image folder within the same folder where theme files are situated. To start off with, here you have a need of openning a new page to hand-code PSD to HTML/ XHTML/ CSS mark-up languages. Then save this page with the page name as 'home.html'. After this coding, open a new page and save it as 'style.css' to add CSS style sheet to the page.

Now the main part of the process starts here, which is converting HTML page into a well-designed, functional Drupal theme. Here you need to download and install the desired Drupal theme. You also need to create a separate and new folder to store theme files. Open the theme folder and open the files from it, known as page.tpl.php. Now the last step is to save the changes with the page name page.tpl.php and copy these changes to style.css page within new theme directory. The body content of page.tpl.php will remain same as HTML file.

Replace the sections of page.tpl.php with dynamic content. Create a page named as a template.php. Rename the functions, your theme regions with theme name.

After converting PSD to drupal theme, the content customization is the next obsession to move on. Anyone can easily customize the dynamic content through easy-to-use web interface. Drupal supports countless content types such as video, text, blog, polls etc. If you are concerned to make and implement a Drupal theme from your PSD file then you will need an expert PSD to drupal theme designer who can code and create exclusive Drupal theme for your website

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

PSD to HTML Conversion: A Guide on How to Do It?

Websites are coded in HTML; HTML is Hypertext Markup Language. Web browsers and mobile devices made to access internet can render HTML pages. So, whatever you want to display through internet has to be embedded in HTML.
When you develop a website from scratch the basic layout is created by an artist in Photoshop; the designer creates the initial layout in PSD format which should be converted to HTML. PSD to HTML conversion is a must; otherwise the website cannot be loaded in a browser.

HTML websites are search engine friendly; many webmasters prefer their websites to be built in HTML or XHTML (eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language). Once you receive the basic layout of the website, you have to check it and let the web designer know what kind of changes you are looking for, if any. An experienced and skilled coder or web designer can slice the PSD file and convert in to HTML or XHTML.

While converting PSD to CSS/HTML, a designer may decide to create a separate CSS file and javascript files in which styles and javascript codes are defined. In the HTML page, they just call suitable function or add the right kind of style so that the HTML or XHTML page remains light, simple and loads faster. Javacript is used to make the web pages interactive.

PSD files can be edited using Adobe Photoshop; while converting it to HTML or XHTML the designer needs to slice the PSD file first. To do this, the PSD has to be divided in various layers in Photoshop. Once done, each layer should be coded in HTML.

Some applications are available that help you to convert automatically. But it is always recommended to get it done by an expert designer because any mistake in HTML coding may damage the functionality of the website.

Moreover, any mistake in HTML or XHTML may damage the ranking of the website. Search engines prefer w3c validated and SEO friendly websites; if the PSD to XHTML/HTML conversion is not done properly, it will show errors in validation and search engine crawlers may find it difficult to access the website.

To Convert PSD to HTML it is always good to get this conversion done by an expert coder to avoid further troubles.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to Slice and Code a PSD file into Joomla Template?

Joomla is a widely used Content Management System (CMS) that enables webmasters to create dynamic and interactive portals. Most of the website owners prefer to use a CMS instead of creating hardcoded HTML websites. CMS makes it easy for the website owners to make changes as and when they want.
There are several Content Management Systems available out there; Joomla is one of the best and award winning CMS. Being open source a lot of developers prefer to work with Joomla. Its advanced features such as menu manager, in-built help section, user management, language manger, media manager tool and an extensive library of extensions make it the best CMS of the world.

When you develop a website from scratch, you need to get the design ready first – you can call it layout as well. It helps you understand how the end product will look like. Designing is the first phase of website development lifecycle. At the end of the designing phase you get the image file in PSD format.

The next step is to convert PSD to HTML or PSD to XHTML/CSS and integrated with the CMS you are going to use. Since you are going to use Joomla, you have to slice the PSD file and code it for Joomla templates.

PSD files are created in Adobe Photoshop. First, you have to slice the image by dividing the image in various layers in Photoshop. Then you have to convert the layers into HTML; you must know HTML/XHTML and CSS syntax for this. Only a skilled person who knows how to code in XHTML and CSS can accomplish this task. Any error at this level would spoil the website’s structure. HTML coding should be done by someone who is technically sound otherwise it may damage the functionality of the website.

The next step is to integrate the XHTML/CSS version with Joomla CMS, which is actually called PSD to Joomla conversion and your website will be ready to go live. To convert PSD to Joomla, developer must have a brief knowledge of using Joomla to convert the HTML/CSS into Joomla template.

You can create Joomla template directly from PSD file but that is a complex task; most developers create the XHTML/CSS version so that the task of developing Joomla website becomes easier and error free as well.

In a nutshell, there are three major steps involved in the whole process.

1] Slice the PSD file – divide it in many layers in Adobe Photoshop

2] Code it in HTML or XHTML/CSS keeping W3C standards and SEO factors in mind

3] Integrate the HTML or XHTML/CSS file with Joomla

You should always hire an expert Joomla developer to get your PSD, PNG files or HTML codes integrated with Joomla.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Noteworthy Guidelines for Searching best PSD to Joomla Service Providers

From the last couple of years, internet has brought extreme changes on the applications of marketing concept. It has opened the doors for online marketing people to promote their product and services, and moreover to sell them via internet. More sites are added on the World Wide Web and more information we are able to find out on the internet. At present, whatever information we require can be obtained from internet. This results in increasing in the demand of website designing, web designing services, PSD to HTML, PSD to Joomla and lots more. In order to have an appealing and user friendly website, one needs to acquire a proficient web service like PSD to Joomla conversion service.

There are numerous PSD to Joomla conversion service providers available in the web market. Within just few clicks on the internet, you can find out the list of best PSD to Joomla service providers. What is most important is, to find out a renowned, proficient and extremely professional service provider. Web market is full of PSD to HTML/Joomla service providers who have an immense experience in converting PSD designs to powerful Joomla layout. Be sure that the service provider you are going to hire should have a flauntless portfolio.

There are few things associated with the decision of hiring PSD to CSS/Joomla conversion service provider you need to pay attention on. Make sure that the website designed with the fresh Joomla template must be W3C compliant. W3C provides guidelines to help the web designer in creating well structured web layout. Moreover, it helps them to wipe out any kind of error that has mistakenly committed while designing.

The next important attribute that should be available with your PSD to Joomla template is the compatibility of the Joomla website with all major browsers. They are numerous browsers as well as different browser users who access your site, so the site you are going to create must be compatible to all major browsers. This is one of the prior concerns of the expert Joomla developer. The website created by professional service provider ensures that the site would work properly on all browsers.

The next unavoidable feature is the semantic coding while converting PSD design to HTML/Joomla format. This makes the content of website more attractive to users and also by search engines.

PSD to Joomla conversion have gained an immense popularity in the web market, so thousands of service providers can make you confuse in choosing the best one. Hence, a prior research is always required to select the best suited PSD to Joomla service provider.

Monday, July 18, 2011

PSD to Joomla Conversion: A Cost Effective Solution

Due to high competition among websites it has become vital that your website should be unique, attractive and be on top positions on search engine rankings. Earlier the visitors didn’t consider the quality and the functionality of a website. Now these are the main aspects of being paid incredible in the right spot for your business and it is also imperative for a website to stand out in the crowd and stay at top search engine rankings and show uniqueness among other websites that exist on the web. These days PSD to Joomla conversion is in enormous demand for developing more successful website. Joomla, an open source CMS solution is remarkably easy to use, handle and operate. Joomla ensures easy editing of design template according to the requirements. This is one of the main reasons behind the recognition of PSD to Joomla conversion.

PSD to Joomla is considered as one of the most cost effective solutions of creating user friendly, highly dynamic, visually appealing and professional websites. The reasons of how PSD to Jooma conversion is cost effective are; this conversion offers a plethora of features which undervalue its cost and the owners neglect the cost value while seeing the features that PSD to joomla offers. This conversion can provide you exceptionally unique website solutions which really requires today in this competitive world. PSD to HTML/Joomla conversion is a perfect method which ensures 100% original web portal which can stand out in the crowd.

This conversion ensures highly dynamic websites with superior looks, advanced and highly developed features. A featured PSD to Joomla theme conversion also allows to a great extent in exposing a web portal among potential online visitors. It ensures several features like a W3C validated code, semantic coding, pixel perfect conversion and cross browser compatible website. It also guides a user to insert lot of applicable content in a web portal. Apart for this, one can even increase the number of pages to the website without any difficulty and professional support.

Thus, the services of PSD to CSS/Joomla conversion are cost effective for a customer who gets an appealing, attractive, professional, dynamic website with the entire advanced features. Because an appealing, attractive, professional, and dynamic website can magnetize a huge list of visitors and they can add in increasing the traffic volume and sales of a business. This eventually makes certain to increase the ROI of the business.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

PSD to Joomla: A Prominent Conversion Solution for a website

Joomla is one of the well-known open source CMS systems that help to publish the content on the World Wide Web. This award winning CMS solution enables the web developers to build websites with lot of ease having lot of features and with strong online applications. Joomla provides easy accessibility and navigation to its users. Moreover, if you would like to have a distinctive website, Joomla is the most excellent open source CMS as it offers immense features like User Management, powerful extensibility, Syndication and News-feed Management, built-in help section, powerful extensibility, Language manager, Menu manager, Media manager tool, Banner manager, etc. PSD to Joomla conversion is the prominent solution which can provide almost exceptional website which stands out in the crowd.

To Convert PSD to Joomla, The process starts with; PSD file is being converted into HTML format. After the PSD to HTML conversion, HTML code is integrated into Joomla CMS. The purpose of PSD to joomla conversion is to provide highly prominent solutions for a website capable in terms of consistency, excellence and affordability. PSD to Joomla provides an interactive, proficient, user friendly and dynamic website. In this PSD to joomla conversion number of Joomla modules are available; with the use of these modules one can add functionality in a website according to the requirements. A model view controller (MVC) Web application framework is included in Joomla that can be used independently.

PSD to HTML/Joomla conversion is quiet affordable. It does not need a huge capital investment. In fact, most of the PSD to Joomla service providers charge reasonable costs in return of quality conversion services and thus it fits to every business budget, be it a large scale or a small scale business. Because of Joomla's admirable services, it is considered as one of the most famous website software in this aggressive market.

It has been seen that almost all websites based on PSD to CSS/Joomla ensure better results in SEO rankings and generate more traffic. The reason is that the PSD to joomla conversion codes are SEO friendly. This conversion is also Cross Brower compatible, W3C validate and Pixel perfect. These features help a website to yield lot more returns. So, PSD to joomla Conversion is the best conversion solution which helps to boost the functionality and dynamic look of a website to a great extent.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Some unique features of PSD to Magento Conversion

In today’s competitive world running an online business is not at all an easy task. It not only necessitates hard-working efforts, but also the accurate tactic, strategies and software to make an online business tremendous success. An online store does have a need of strong and flexible application to ensure the multiple tasks going on at the same time. These applications become vital with the complexity or when the business is on a large scale. Hence, in order to operate an online business effectively, it is essential for every business personnel to have right tools and strategies. Highly advanced, robust, flexible and powerful e-commerce applications are crucial for the growth and success of an online business. Magento is all time strong and dynamic ecommerce solution to success of online business.

This is exactly the main reason why at present time there is a huge demand for PSD to Magento. This conversion offers a complete, highly developed, effective and professional websites integrated with all the advanced features. In fact PSD to Magento conversion pledge all the obligatory features for a well structured and smooth operation and functioning website. Some of these features are:

W3C validation: It is one of the essential aspects for a website to make sure that the code is error free and developed following the web rules. So, PSD to Magento conversion provide this most main feature.

Cross browser compatibility: PSD to HTML/Magento conversion services ensure cross browser Compatibility which ensures that the website is accessible via different browsers. If a website is not accessible on different browsers, it will lose out greater part of visitors as people use different browsers in different parts of the world.

Semantic coding: This conversion provide the feature of semantic coding structures which benefits a website with clean codes and ensures that every element is at its right position.

Pixel perfect conversion: PSD to XHTML/Magento conversion also ensures pixel perfect conversions. This feature predicts well for your website by making sure to have the unique and same look on different platforms.

SEO oriented coding : PSD to Magento conversion also ensures SEO friendly codes which help a website to get ranked quickly and easily.

So, it is suggested that PSD to Magento conversion is one of the best features rich conversion solutions to online business. But you need to choose the best PSD to Magento service provider who can Convert PSD to Magento in an efficient way by using the advanced technology.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

PSD to XHTML Conversion: How Compatible is it with different browsers

Considering the activities which people are performing on the internet today give augment to the web development industry on high notes. As every day numbers of websites are developed which create steepness and complexity among the owners to stands out. Your website should have great and different look that can make your website more attractive and contented to your potential customers. When the customers find it very simple to go through the website then you will absolutely going to be benefited.

Every now and then advanced applications are added to World Wide Web. So, it becomes difficult for the owner to compel these changes as different browsers are incorporated with new features which keep them swift. In recent times Google chrome stand as the number 3 browser all over the world covering behind Safari to the fourth number.

With the development of technology and the fulfillment of the today’s requirements of the customer, the coding methods are also facing changes every other day. PSD to XHTML service providers used to carry out restricted task when there were only a few browsers. Now the PSD to XHTML Conversion is to be done extensively with extra care knowing the ample number of web browsers nowadays like Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Internet explorer, Safari, Mozilla navigator, Netscape navigator, Opera and Mosaic etc. on the World Wide Web. These are some main browsers which people are mostly using. So, it is always essential for service providers to keep in mind the fact multi browser compatibility of the conversions whether it may be PSD to HTML/XHTML conversion or other conversion of PSD to Joomla, PSD to Wordpress, PSD to Drupal and PSD to Magento etc.

PSD to HTML conversion is a vital part of a web development, which manipulate the performance of a website. PSD to HTML conversion is converting the photo shop based design to suitable markup language, so that website can be launched in a browser easily. PSD to HTML conversion guarantees the cross browser compatibility. PSD to XHTML conversion is must if you want to have a successful website. By converting your raw website design into coding like PSD to HTML or PSD to XHTML which is easily accepted by W3C validation tool that took extremely specialized approach and real expertise.

So, PSD to HTML conversion needs to be done in professional way which needs extra skills and experience for better results. It is also necessary to check the website on different browsers before the project is delivered. Therefore, to ensure the cross browser compatibility you need to employ a professional PSD to XHTML/HTML services provider.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A brief note on PSD to HTML conversion Process

PSD files are generally the Photoshop files which are primarily the static images. These PSD files do not have any functionality in them. Frequently the designers find it difficult to convert these into HTML codes. The motive is easy; the language of a design and a web page development are not the identical. Naturally the mission is the requirement of conversion. So, at the end web designers rejuvenate those files with the help of coding i.e. the process of converting these PSD based files into HTML markup. Well, for conversion of PSD files to HTML one should have good, profound knowledge of markup languages. PSD to HTML conversion considerably plays a very major role, as this conversion makes the psd files functional.

At present, it has been seen that method of the coding designs has altered a lot. Previously, the web designs were created in table form which was not fully web compatible. So, to remove these old coding procedures and make the web pages fully web compatible and error free, new ways have been planned. PSD to XHTML/HTML/CSS conversion is also one among these coding methods to make the conversion easier, better, functional, web compatible and error free.

PSD to HTML conversion is important and beneficial in a number of ways as it provides cross browser compatibility, semantic coding, manual coding, W3C validated web pages which really help a website to be more successful. For this process of Design to HTML conversion, a website owner as well as the web designer should have sound knowledge, experience, capability and skills for handling this undertaking in an efficient way. Therefore, it is advised to all while developing a professional website, take the help of PSD to HTML conversion service providers. Due to this conversion your files will be easier to get in World Wide Web to visitors.

PSD to CSS/HTML conversion is cheap and cost effective and it suites to everyone. But the important benefit of hiring an expert of PSD to HTML conversion is that progression becomes reasonably quick with high quality. PSD to HTML conversion with high quality guarantees trouble-free and well-situated navigation for user into the website. Professional service providers will benefit you with search engine optimization friendly web pages. Well, it is important to keep this in mind that these advantages are very requisite in giving you a well-designed website which would therefore guide your business and progress in business.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Essentials of PSD to Drupal Conversion for a website

Website development initiates with the conversion of PSD to HTML/XHTML. A website unless and until will not be functional and launched in a web browser till the PSD to HTML Conversion takes place. Being this PSD to HTML Conversion basic of any website, but there are some advanced technologies which help in developing the feature rich and fully functional websites. PSD to Drupal is one such technology which ensures to develop helpful and well-organized websites.

Drupal is a powerful open source CMS technology with browser based admin edges. The Drupal CMS solution has dynamic web applications, advanced frameworks hauling broad range of functionalities such as blogs, photo galleries, shopping carts, discussion forums, web portals and much more. The conversion of PSD to Drupal is really supportive to decrease the maintenance and updating of websites cost. To perform this, it is not needed to have any type of technical knowledge for updating and maintaining the website. You can do this very easily.
You will also be able to follow up the current buzz of online business and will continue at the top in the competitive market. PSD to Drupal is more purposeful in creating any kind of website with all the compulsory features. Some of the features of PSD to Drupal are discussed below with their advantages.

W3C validation: It is the kind of rule through which a website should be developed to govern the smooth running and accessibility of the website. In PSD to Drupal conversion almost the websites are designed and developed according to the ethics of W3C.

Semantic code: It is one of the features of PSD to Drupal conversion which ensures a website in perfect semantic coding. In semantic coded website the arrangement of each and every section of the website is at its exact position.

Cross browser compatibility: it is one of the important aspects in regards to website to be accessible on all web browsers. A website has to be cross browser compatible every time for getting the maximum visitors. The main reason for that is, different people use different web browsers. PSD to XHTML/Drupal conversion ensures Cross browser compatibility.

Pixel Perfect Conversion: PSD to Drupal conversion ensures pixel perfect web pages. Pixel perfect coding provides consistent and dynamic look to website.

So, PSD to CSS/Drupal Conversion is deeply helpful to create heavy website on condition that it provides functionalities to a website on great extent. A Drupal based website is easy to handle and cost effective. So, to get the benefit of above discussed features of PSD to drupal conversion, you need to take the services of a specialized and skilled professional of PSD to Drupal services.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Joomla Powered websites with PSD to Joomla Conversion

From the last one decade the demand of website designing and development has grown extremely at a fast rate. This led the uncountable or millions of websites on the internet of every type. The reason is that internet has dominated almost every part of human life. If we take an example of business of any type, internet has become the growing marketing medium to most of the businesses as compare to other mediums. Today, the majority of the companies are doing their business with the help of their own websites. This makes the website a most vital part of any company, due to which the scope of website development has gained the popularity on a great degree. In this web world, CMS web development is one of the most preferred aspects that have made website development so easy. But today there is a choice of various CMS available in the web market, among which Joomla is one of the most frequently used and it is an award winning CMS.

Now a day’s most of the people prefer Joomla as a best solution for developing their websites. PSD to Joomla conversion is the exact procedure to develop an extremely high functional and user friendly website by converting PSD to Joomla theme/ templates. In this process PSD files which are converted to Joomla theme/ template for increasing the functionality of a website, make it more attractive and appealing and also bound to perform on different web browsers successfully.

PSD to CSS/Joomla conversion has the main part in developing a highly dynamic web portal by converting PSD files to Joomla. This is a dual method which begins with the slicing of PSD file into various layers. For ease of access and simplicity of PSD web template usually the web designers convert this PSD to HTML/ XHTML/ CSS. Now after this the phase second of PSD to Joomla conversion initiates with integration of Joomla theme/ template from HTML/ XHTML/ CSS files. The requirement of this step of Joomla theme/ template integration and customization is for developing brand new joomla website in order to personalize the design which depends upon the needs and requirements.

As we all know this is the world of high competition weather it may be an online business or any other thing, it is necessary for everyone to have a website where everything should be first-class from design to high-quality HTML/ XHTML/ CSS codes and also with suitable Joomla integration.  Conversion of PSD-to-HTML-to-Joomla is a simple but time consuming process. So, for this you need an expert Joomla developer or a professional PSD to joomla service provider who can ensure development work of your website smoothly and can provide you the high quality Joomla service at reasonable cost.